Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Month of Wally-love: Day 12

Wally is going to LOVE these when he's older. Especially these ones where I exclaim over his adorable bum. You have probably noticed several shots taken at this door, but it's where our best light lives. I did clean the windows yesterday, but I ran out of newspaper (we don't subscribe, so all I had was the PCC mailer) before I could go over everything one last time. So yes, those are dirty windows, but you should have seen them before!

I know I was taking a bit of a risk having Wally naked on the rug, but I'm happy to say everything was still dry when we were finished. (Though two minutes after I put his diaper on he pooped, so I was REALLY lucky. -- it's those kinds of things that Wally is going to be thrilled about when he's 15.) I decided to get back to bareness today with this photo, and it paid off.

Day 12: February 3
Wally's skin is such a delicate pink color. And yes, I ADORE the bare bum, but it's the hand on the window, the reflection in the glass, the raised knee and toes that made this shot THE shot for today.


Miss J said...

Adorable Jessica! I love the reflection too. You don't notice it right at first! I always wonder - will blogs be around by the time our kids are 15? I really hope so! Keep up the great work - it takes a lot of energy to do a blog post every day and with a picture!

The Blue Suitcase said...

I think those little raindrop sparkles add some magic, too. Beautiful.