This session is chock-full of new favorite images. Wally, Trevor, and I met Lisa, David, and 6 day-old Cooper at their home last Sunday for Cooper's first official photoshoot. Not many babies are more eagerly anticipated than this little guy and I was thrilled to get to meet him. Lisa's birth story is rather harrowing (61 hours, half of them on Pitocin, but NO epidural!), but she is recovering and (as always) absolutely beautiful in new-motherhood.
Cooper weighed 6 pounds 13ounces at birth and was 20 and 3/4 inches long. That's the same length as Wally, but almost two pounds less. During the session I kept looking at Cooper and then at Wally and thinking that my baby looks HUGE!
Always prepared, Lisa had several fun props and hats for us to work with and I had such a fun time playing around with them all. (Too much fun, I think I overstayed my welcome.) The dilemma I'm having now is choosing favorites. I'd love to hear from some of you blog-readers out there. Which shot is your favorite and why?
First up, Phinnegan the dog watches over sleeping Cooper. When Lisa said they wanted some shots with Phinn, I got a little nervous. But this dog poses like a champ!

Cooper's nursery is drop dead GORGEOUS. I've never seen a more coordinated and well-appointed baby room. Lisa thought of every detail. Love the blue and brown. How tiny does Cooper look in his crib?

Love, love, love this.

We had lots of smiles.

These elf-hats are so sweet. I like how the curve of the tail follows the curves of baby's body.

Another bit of smile safe in Daddy's arms. (I think the smile was the precurser to a nice big poop -- all over Daddy.)

The whole family.

Not many things are more beautiful than the expression on new parents' face as they gaze at the miracle they created. I love that Cooper's ultrasound picture is in this shot.

Sweet lips.

More love from Mama and Daddy.

One of the last shots of the day. EVERYONE was exhausted and probably envying Cooper's cozy nest here. It's so fun to take babies outside, though. I couldn't pass this up.
Lisa and David, Cooper is wonderful and you are doing a fabulous job loving and caring for him. He's one lucky boy! Thanks so much for letting me bring my guys. I know it was a long day, but I hope you'll think it was worth it when you see all the images we captured. Congratulations!
You make it too hard to decide! The first shot with the family dog has some great color to it...the browns and the blues are adorable. The one of him on his side with the elf hat, and the the one of the whole family of on their bed...I love the ones of daily life. Too many to choose from. That last shot is perfect too. Where did she get the hat and knitted baby pod?
And oddly enough, I like seeing if you want to share more of those, please do!
Hi Jess! Your pictures are always!!! I think my favorites are the one with Cooper in the elf hat and the shot of the family on the bed (with the dog all cuddled up)! Too precious. What a beautiful little baby!! Fabulous work!!!
Thanks so much guys! It sounds like elf hat and family on the bed are favorites. I think Lisa got her hats on Etsy, but I'll have to ask.
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