Sunday, February 21, 2010
I've Moved!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 29
Day 29: February 20

Friday, February 19, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 28
Day 28: February 19

Thursday, February 18, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 27
Yes, it's a challenge to take two kids and my camera to the beach. The most difficult part was protecting my baby (the camera) while preventing my baby (Wally) from eating sand off his fingers. Each time Wally would put his hand up to his mouth I'd jump forward to stop him, making it impossible to get the shot I should have gotten -- Wally eating sand. So we'll settle for hands covered in sand.
Day 27: February 18

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 26
Day 26: February 17

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 25
I plopped Wally down on the gravel path next to the lake and grabbed a few photos. Of course all the passersby (and their dogs) were much more interesting than mama making noises. And the gravel! How can I compete?
Day 25: February 16

Monday, February 15, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 24
Day 24: February 15

A Month of Wally-love: Day 23
Day 23: February 14

A Month of Wally-love: Day 22
Day 22: February 13

Friday, February 12, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 21
Day 21: February 12
Love the eye contact and the fingers in Wally's mouth. I've tried and tried to hook him on a pacifier with no success, but every once in a while Wally will soothe himself with those two fingers. I also like the other hand that looks like he's giving a little wave.
Tomorrow afternoon we are heading up to Roche Harbor for the extended weekend, so though I'll be taking pictures each day, those posts won't be going up until Monday evening. I just don't want anyone thinking I'm slacking. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 20
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 19
Those of you who know me are probably shocked that this is the first real nursing shot I've had taken. Clients often ask me for shots of them nursing their babies and I love when they do. Not many things are more sweet and tender and beautiful than the nursing relationship. But in the 2 1/2 years that I've been a nursing mama, I've never captured this image for myself. Until now! Thank you, Trevor, for helping me to get this.
Day 19: February 10

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 18
Day 18: February 9
I was regretting putting Wally in brown when we arrived, but I like it with the red bricks. The striped socks and hat help, too.
This evening Wally started using his arms to push his whole body backwards across the wood floor. If he had been wearing clothes, he could have gotten pretty far!
Monday, February 8, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 17
Day 17: February 8
Wally's little pilot caps are getting snug, so we're trying to get as much wear as possible out of them before packing them away.
And this is completely off topic, but today's post is my 100th! Thanks for reading/looking. To celebrate, I'll be rolling out a new blog format with BIG images and slick functionality very soon. I can't wait!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 16
Day 16: February 7

Saturday, February 6, 2010
A Month of Wally=love: Day 15
Day 15: February 6

Friday, February 5, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 14
Day 14: February 5

So many things to love here. The absolute peace of his face, the hand curled by his chin, pink lips, veined eyelids, and of course eyelashes. All that is missing is a bum!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 13
Day 13: February 4

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 12
I know I was taking a bit of a risk having Wally naked on the rug, but I'm happy to say everything was still dry when we were finished. (Though two minutes after I put his diaper on he pooped, so I was REALLY lucky. -- it's those kinds of things that Wally is going to be thrilled about when he's 15.) I decided to get back to bareness today with this photo, and it paid off.
Day 12: February 3

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 11
There was no shortage of adorable Wally footage today, but I chose this image because it's so rare that I am in any photos with my kids. I think most moms are the designated photographers for their families and it's sad because that usually means that they don't get in front of the camera much. Add to that my complete loathing of seeing myself in photos and the fact that I am a professional photographer (so my husband always defers to me to take the photos), and you have children who will look back on their childhood images and never see their mother.
But that's not good, right? No matter how much I hate to be in front of the camera, I still do want my kids to have images to show them how much I love being with them. And I want to be able to look back when I'm 60 and see who I was during these amazing years. So I'm going to make an effort to get in front of the camera more. I've been wanting to capture the insanely excited face Wally makes before he smothers me with kisses, and today I just about caught it. My camera is resting on the bar of the deck and I'm reaching my arm out to push the shutter release, so this is awkward, but I love it. I love it!
Day 11: February 2

Monday, February 1, 2010
Emmeline turns one
Angel and Eric threw a birthday extravaganza at the Tulalip Resort, so I met them beforehand to do photos. Ordinarily I wouldn't recommend scheduling photos on the same day as a party, but with Angel's incredible gift for organization and planning, it seemed to work out really well. We started off in their beautiful hotel suite and then moved to the pool/atrium for a different locale.
There's something I love about this image, though I'm not sure what it is. The way she's kicking out a foot or holding her hand or investigating the rock -- something about it is so sweet. Oh, and Angel made this adorable dress.

A Month of Wally-love: Day 10
Day 10: February 1

Sunday, January 31, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 9
Saturday, January 30, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 8
Friday, January 29, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 7
Day 7: January 29

Thursday, January 28, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 6
Day 6: January 28

All this is to say that we went ahead and gave Wally his first food tonight, and he seemed to do ok with it. I'm not anticipating any further experimentation for a while, though. It is just too much for Mama. It would be wonderful to be able to leave Wally when I go to photo sessions or preschool meetings or, gasp!, mom's night out, and not worry about how much pumped milk I've got, but those days are still a ways off. There's no hurry for Wally to get his nourishment from anywhere but Mama.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 5
Day 5: January 27

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 4
Day 4: January 26

Monday, January 25, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 3
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Meeting Mia

A Month of Wally-love: Day 2
You may notice a drastic difference between these photos and every other shot you've seen of Wally. Know what it is? CLOTHES! I've made a deliberate effort to capture as much nakedness as possible and to keep Wally looking as BABY as possible. When I do dress him, it's usually in sleepers or one-piece outfits that only a baby can wear. But now that Wally is a whopping six months old, I suppose it's ok that I bring out some big boy clothes once in a while. He sure does look cute in them! Thanks Auntie Lisa and Uncle Nick for this whole outfit. Tomorrow we'll be back to baby boy clothes because Mama can only handle so much of this.
Day 2: January 24

Saturday, January 23, 2010
A Month of Wally-love: Day 1
I love the drool on his chin, the hint of bum, and the reflection on the floor. He didn't mind sitting on the cold floor with his naked bum, but as soon as I tried to put him on his tummy, he let me know that wasn't going to happen. Not that I blame him. Happy 6 months, Wallyman!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
And the winners are...