I thought the hardest part of this photo a day thing was going to be making sure I take pictures every day. It turns out that choosing just one is the hard part. I finally narrowed today's post down to this one.
Day 6: January 28

I love his profile and his open mouth and the curled up toes on his left foot. But just as I decided on the photo of the day, I was called on to get the camera out again for this.

Wally's first taste of solid food. While grocery shopping, Trev suggested we pick up an avocado for Wally. It sounded like fun, so I agreed, but I started having misgivings shortly after. He's my BABY and so far he has grown on 100% breastmilk. It makes me so happy to say that and see such an accomplishment. Especially after the difficulties we had with Abby gaining weight, seeing Wally's perfectly chubby thighs and dimpled hands brings huge satisfaction and pride.
All this is to say that we went ahead and gave Wally his first food tonight, and he seemed to do ok with it. I'm not anticipating any further experimentation for a while, though. It is just too much for Mama. It would be wonderful to be able to leave Wally when I go to photo sessions or preschool meetings or, gasp!, mom's night out, and not worry about how much pumped milk I've got, but those days are still a ways off. There's no hurry for Wally to get his nourishment from anywhere but Mama.
1 comment:
Oh, what beautiful photos and what a marvelous family you are. I am still confused as to why you would feed a three-day-old avocado. WALLY! You're growing up too faaaast!!!
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