Last December I photographed Carolyn, Ian, and Ava at Greenlake. I was newly pregnant, sick, sick, sick, and they were a family of three with no plans for a change. One year later, what a difference! My baby is 4 1/2 months old, and Carolyn gave birth to little Noelle nine days ago. It makes me so happy to watch my clients' families grow -- especially when I get to photograph the beautiful additions. What an honor!
Here is sweet Noelle asleep in her swing. She got a power nap in just as I arrived. She woke up as I was putting her into the first pose and didn't want to go back to sleep.
So we took some wide-awake shots. Beautiful, full lips.
Proud Daddy and hilarious baby. I've got some serious versions of this shot, but I loved the open mouth.
Gorgeous Carolyn.
Here is sweet Noelle asleep in her swing. She got a power nap in just as I arrived. She woke up as I was putting her into the first pose and didn't want to go back to sleep.

Big Sis Ava.
It took some swaying and shushing and swaddling, but Noelle did finally drop off into a deep sleep. I love tiny feet!
Peaceful babe and happy mama.
More of those lips.
Ian's hand gives you an idea of how little Noelle really is. At just over seven pounds, she is significantly smaller than Wally was at birth. It's amazing the difference a pound and a half makes.
Family of four.
She just kept on sleeping! I'm always so afraid that the baby will wake up and I'll have to shush and sway and swaddle all over again, but once they hit that deep sleep, you can pretty much do whatever you like with them.
And another family shot. Ava looks like a little pixie. Her expression is adorable. Carolyn said that 4 1/2 year old Ava is having a hard time adjusting to life with a sibling, but it's obvious that she loves her sister.
Congratulations, Carolyn and Ian! You have another absolutely beautiful daughter. Thank you so much for the chance to photograph your family. Enjoy!

Beautiful!! Carolyn, Ian, Ava...welcome to Baby Noelle. Can't wait to meet her. She is so incredibly beautiful.
Jessica - lovely photos. You totally captured what this amazing family is all about.
Gorgeous pictures of Miss Noelle!! Jessica, you do such amazing work. Noelle is such a beautiful baby!!!
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