As Abigail gets older, we've started participating in more and more "kid" things. The holidays have become more interesting, and what once may have been unnecessary hype is now a sought out opportunity. All this to say -- we took Abby to the Edmonds Easter Egg Hunt today. It was crowded and cold and chaotic, but as I look back through the pictures, I'm so glad we went.
Grandma P. gave Abigail the perfect Easter dress -- simple, sweet, and springy. Daddy did her hair up in pigtails (I make that disclaimer for when you see the part, but actually, I think it looked adorable.) and she wore her green froggy boots from Aunt Tracy and Uncle Mick (I love the boots with the dress, by the way!). The wind did a number on her hair right away, but you know I'm a fan of that wispy look.

After we turned in our can of soup at the donation tent, Abigail lined up (with Daddy) with the other under two crowd and waited patiently at the designated field.

After a few words from the sponsers (read by a teen who couldn't hurry through it fast enough as the babies pulled at their parents' hands) the kids were off.

These shots don't do justice to the swarm of parents and babies. There were a few moments when I thought I'd lose her.

Success! I give credit to the shaker eggs at preschool.

I was very pleased to see that these plastic eggs were empty. The volunteers threw a bunch of loose candy into the field, but Abby only had eyes for eggs. Good girl!

Oh, my sweetie.

Hauling her eggs away. Abby likes to carry her basket like a purse.

Abby thinks she's on her way to the slide, but see that crowd in the background? They were holding the 2/3s hunt on the playground in just a few minutes. There was no way we could get even close to the slide.

We managaed to talk Abigail into getting into the car to go to the other park. Too bad it was at the beach and Abby could hardly walk because of the wind. One trip down the slide was all we could take before heading back home. Abby went down early for her nap and slept for THREE hours! I'd say that's a sign of a fun morning. What's next? A fourth of July parade?
what adorable photos of your little girl! I love seeing all the colorful eggs around her. I can't wait until Emmeline is old enough to enjoy that stuff!
Man I have the cutest niece in the whole world! Wish I could have seen her at her first Easter egg hunt. Alas, the perils of working Saturdays. Great pictures Jess!
What a post! I love these pictures...and the story along with them.
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