Need an incentive to book that session you've been putting off? Maybe you need some photos for your holiday greeting cards. Perhaps you have a baby celebrating an important milestone. Are you pregnant and wanting newborn photos? Whatever it is, the month of October is the time to book your session. From now through October 31st, when you schedule a session with One Tree Photography, you will receive a $50 credit to use for prints or digital images from that session. Your session can be scheduled for any date, as long as it is booked during the month of October.
***Those of you wanting a session so you will have holiday gifts to give in December will want to schedule your session before November 15th. After November 15th I cannot guarantee the timely arrival of prints.***
And because no post should be without something to look at, here are the front and back of Wally's birth announcement (which is still sitting on my desk waiting for me to send out).

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