Every once in a while I am reminded that I am not in control. During those times I have to sit back and relax and allow myself to just go along for the ride and see where it takes me. Felix took his parents and I for a ride on Sunday. At five days old, this little guy was not going to be bullied into falling asleep. Here's how he looked when I arrived.
So we waited and swaddled and waited and shushed and waited some more until...
Finally he slept.
Uh oh, is he waking? I LOVE this yawn.
Safe in Mama's arms. The spread toes and hand on his cheek get me.
Father (Julian) and son.
We moved outside for some sibling shots with big sister, Stella. Stella is in Abby's class at preschool. I remember her always claiming Teacher Linda's lap during circle time. Here's Stella with mama, Robin. Every mom and daughter moment is precious now with the new addition to the family.
Stella and Felix out for a ride with the wagon. The blanket was Robin's as a baby.
So sweet.
It was a cool, but sunny, afternoon. Felix was OUT.
Love the colors and his hands by his face.
As I was editing these photos, I was hit by how amazing these years are in the life of a family. Bringing a life into the world, watching him grow and turn into a little person -- how can you top that? I know it is a difficult time in so many ways (lack of sleep, time, sanity) but I still wonder if it is all downhill after this. Maybe you parents of older children out there can share your thoughts. Can anything top this?
Robin and Julian, thanks for inviting me into your home to photograph your new family of four. I hope you see some photos to love and to remind you of this miraculous time in your lives. Enjoy!

Robin and Julian, thanks for inviting me into your home to photograph your new family of four. I hope you see some photos to love and to remind you of this miraculous time in your lives. Enjoy!