Abigail will turn two on July 14th, but I'm expecting to be a little busy/heavy then, so we're bumping up Abby's birthday festivities. On Thursday we went out for some "almost two" birthday pictures. Yes, I'm including a lot, so you'll just have to indulge a proud mama.
We started out at the beach by the Edmonds ferry (a favorite spot of late) and I realized quickly that this shoot was going to be HARD for my nine-months-pregnant body. Here Abby stops to smell a flower.

Grandma French gave Abigail this adorable halter dress.

I've been feeling a little left out of Abigail's documented childhood, so we stopped and let Trevor take some pictures of mama and babycake. I'm really happy with the light in this one and think it's hilarious that we have the same expression on our faces.

Abby, Mama, and Wally!

I took the camera back and Trev gave Abigail a few tosses into the air. WAY into the air! Man, I love that smile!

"Seriously, mama?"

Abby's fabulous lashes.

Wardrobe change. Mid-stride with her shadow close behind.

The cheeks that make people exclaim over how much she looks like Trev. Oh, so kissable.

Trying out the water. It's COLD!

Kisses for Daddy.

After rinsing off our feet we headed to the car for part two of our session. But a train was coming, so Trev and Abby stopped to protect their ears.

Back into her dress, we picked up an ice cream cone (Abby's first whole one to my knowledge!) and sat her down on Main street to enjoy.

I'd say she liked it!

There was no trying to contain the mess. We just intervened a couple of times when it looked like the ice cream was going to plop onto the sidewalk.

With the ice cream gone, she started right in on the cone, eating everything but the very point, which she kindly gave to mama.
As Wally's birth draws near, I've found that my time with Abby has grown increasingly precious. We stay in bed longer nursing/cuddling/reading books. I hug a little more tightly and kiss whenever she comes near. I watch her sleep for an entire ferry ride home. She's such a little PERSON now. When I'm down on the floor or weeding or trying to put on my shoes, she'll come over and put her arm around my neck and press her cheek to mine and just hold me for a minute, like she knows I need a little Abby-love. She's amazing.
Happy almost-Birthday, Babycake! Mama loves you!
Oh, Jess! Those pictures are amazing. Abby is such a special little girl...and is oh-so lucky to have such fabulous parents. I was glad to see both you and Trevor sneak into a few pictures!! Hard to believe your baby is almost two!!
We weep with love and missing you. --Bonnie and Josie
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