Every year during the holiday season friends from my class at good old Redmond High get together for dinner and drinks and lots of catch-up. Our gatherings have changed over the years from rather raucous rendezvous to last year's dinner with two moms breastfeeding (practically) at the table (yes, I was one of them) to this last year when no one brought kids, but two of us were pregnant with our seconds. It's crazy how time passes and lives change, but I love it.
At this last dinner, Jenelle was pregnant and due THAT DAY. Over the course of dinner, Jenelle and her husband, Greg (both Redmond alumni), decided to hire me for newborn pictures. So, one week after Jenelle gave birth, I showed up at their GORGEOUS Redmond home for some baby pics. Here are just a few of my favorites:
Olivia is Jenelle and Greg's first child. Twenty months is a challenging age to photograph, but she didn't seem to mind the camera at all. Check out her amazing blue eyes. Lucky girl got those from her mother.

Over Christmas, Olivia got a beautiful play kitchen. She had fun showing it off.

Once Olivia went down for her nap, we focused on baby Noelle. Such a sweet, mellow little one.

I love how she's snuggled up to Greg here. See the smile?

I can't get away without a hand shot.

Love, love, LOVE this shot.

Cute little froggy legs.

This one makes me melt.

This was the first time I've spent time with Jenelle and Greg since high school, and they weren't a couple back then. In the few hours of our session I was pleased to see how wonderfully in love they are. Congratulations, guys!

Noelle's face in this one cracks me up. And I love the wonder in mom and dad's faces.
Jenelle and Greg, thanks for allowing me this glimpse into your lives. I'm thrilled to see how happy you are and what a beautiful family all four of you make. I hope you see some images that you'll want to fill those frames. Enjoy!
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