Oh, the sweet, cuddly babies who sit but don't move! This has got to be one of the best ages to photograph. Thursday morning I made the long trek out to Maple Valley to photograph 6 month-old Kaylin. It had been ages since I had been out there, and I couldn't believe how much that area has grown!
Anyway, I met Kaylin and her mama, Brianna, in their immaculate home for our photoshoot. Waves of guilt washed over me as I looked around. How does she keep her home pristine and beautiful with a 6 month old baby? Brianna admitted to a dash of anal retentiveness, and I guess that's the key. How do I get some of that?
I'm thinking that another piece to the puzzle is the cheery, laid-back Kaylin. Such an agreeable (and adorable!) baby has got to help with keeping the rest of your life in one piece. We started our session in Kaylin's room, where the light poured in from the window and was instantly warmed by the yellow walls.

Love this shot of her eyes. Kaylin has quite a collection of lambs, and I think she chews on them all.

Through the slats of the crib.
Standing up already! Doesn't she look proud?
We took a little nursing break at one point. This is a shot I wish I had of Abigail and me. Can't you see the love?

After her snack, we moved into daddy's office and took advantage of the chaise by the window. I love that her toes are spread in this shot.

Then we popped outside for a minute to showcase the milk delivery box on the porch.

Oh, the laughs! And isn't this a great hat? Brianna said she found it on Etsy, so I think I'll be doing some shopping there soon.

No, you can't have too many baby feet shots.

On her parents' bed. She looks like she's up to something.

We tried out a few holiday shots. Can't you see this on a Christmas card?

Or this?

I'm including this one because it's a great self-portrait. See me?

And then we stripped her down for some purely baby shots.

Nothing can beat a baby bum shot!

Finally we went back into Kaylin's room and laid the sheepskin out for some close-ups. There are a ton of fun ones, but these are two favorites. This one because of the smile (brought to you by many monkey noises)...

And this one because it makes me laugh out loud every time I see it.

Brianna, thanks so much for the opportunity to photograph Kaylin and to see your gorgeous home. You've definitely inspired me to do something about my own hovel, I mean home. I had a wonderful time with you both, and I hope you see some photos you'll love.