One week ago I was photographing little Emmeline's birth. What a privilege to get to do her newborn photos, too! Angel and Eric and I had a great time chatting while waiting for their new little one to drift off to dreamland. I love hearing the parents' versions of the birth story -- especially when I was actually there!
Emmeline came into this world absolutely gorgeous, and she didn't disappoint today, either. See her little smile?

And Mama said she really likes the yawns, so here you go, Angel!

This week I did a little antiquing (is that a word?) and found this scale. I was afraid that Emmeline might not take to it, but after a LOT of nursing, she fell fast asleep. One of my favorite shots...

Eric had his heart set on a drum shot (he's quite the musician), so after the scale we just slid her over onto the drum. I'm so glad we did!

And she just kept sleeping, so we got a basket shot as well.

Ahh, the bum shot.

We ended our session with some shots with mom and dad.

See the love?

The squished cheek is what gets me with this one.
Angel and Eric, thanks so much for making me a part of your transition from expectant couple to loving parents. Emmeline is obviously already very much in love with you both, and the calm I felt in your home today is a testament to how naturally you have taken to parenthood. Congratulations!