Please spread the word. I'm looking for models in two categories: newborn and new(ish) sitters.
What does that mean? Models will receive a free session -- though the session will be geared toward specific ideas I'd like to try out-- and a complimentary 8x10 print. Other prints or digital images can be purchased at regular prices.
Who am I looking for? Babies who will be less than 10 days old at the time of shooting, which means their mamas very recently gave birth or are due within the next week or so. I'm also looking for babies who have recently started sitting on their own but are stable and not crawling yet -- ideally around 6 months or so.
Other requirements? Models will sign a model release allowing me to use their images on my website, blog, promotional materials, etc. Sessions will take place on weekdays during the first two weeks of November in the greater Seattle area. Newborn sessions will be in/around the model's home, and mama should be willing to be in a few pictures as well.
How to apply? If you know someone who might be interested, have them send an email to with the following information:
Name of mama and baby (if known)
Boy or girl? (if known)
Contact info
Baby's birthday or due date
Home location
And if possible, I'd love to see a picture.
How many models are needed? For right now, I'd say one to two from each category, but that isn't set in stone.
Thanks for your help!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Halloween comes to preschool
Oh, this is going to be a long post -- even for me. Our preschool's class photographer wasn't able to make it to school for our Toddler Halloween party, so I volunteered to step in to take a few shots. Of course, I don't know if that was necessary since I don't think there was a parent there without a camera.
Preschool has been such a great experience for us so far. We go once a week for a couple of hours, but Abigail has learned so much! My favorite part of the day is snack. Every child sits in a little chair (real chairs -- no straps or trays) and eats from a plate and drinks from a cup (no sippy cups!). Abby has learned to wipe her mouth with her napkin (and mine) and to stay in her seat while she's eating. You should see the tables full of these little people eating their food. I love it!
So today I tried to get shots of all the kids in their costumes (or out of them), though some kids were a little more available for pictures than others. Class starts with outdoor play time. Here are a few as the kiddos arrived and played.
Raya as a lovely ladybug. (When I tell Abigail it's time to go to school, she says, "RAYA!")

Abby on the slide. She is a sliding fool! (No costume yet for Abigail -- she wouldn't be able to play in it.)
Sweet Naomi in her pom-pom hat. She'll put her costume on later, too.

Ladybug in the dirt.
Ronan lights up in his monkey costume.

Princess Selena and her wheelbarrow.
Sawyer with his amazing eyes. What's his costume? Wait for it...
Liam, serious in pre-costume attire.
Christopher on the slide. I think it's obvious what he is.
Linnea gives a cute smile for the camera.
And then a fake one. I think her mom will get a laugh from this one.
You can't tell, but there is a child in that Elmo outfit. (It's Colt.)
Zoe plays in the sandbox. She's a great shoveler.
We head inside after 20 minutes (or so), wash up, eat snack, and then move on to free choice time. The kids can paint or draw in the art room, explore playdough or water/rice/cornmeal in the sensory room, have a tea party in dramatic play, or play with all kinds of toys in the main room.
Preschool has been such a great experience for us so far. We go once a week for a couple of hours, but Abigail has learned so much! My favorite part of the day is snack. Every child sits in a little chair (real chairs -- no straps or trays) and eats from a plate and drinks from a cup (no sippy cups!). Abby has learned to wipe her mouth with her napkin (and mine) and to stay in her seat while she's eating. You should see the tables full of these little people eating their food. I love it!
So today I tried to get shots of all the kids in their costumes (or out of them), though some kids were a little more available for pictures than others. Class starts with outdoor play time. Here are a few as the kiddos arrived and played.
Raya as a lovely ladybug. (When I tell Abigail it's time to go to school, she says, "RAYA!")

Here's Liam in his costume. Guesses? A gnome. I'm not sure if he is the Travelocity gnome in particular, but either way, what a cutie!

Naomi is a bumble bee who doesn't want to wear her antennae. (Her mama made this costume!)

When free play is over, we clean up and have circle time. Lots of songs and movements and shaker-eggs. We went around the circle and sang to each child in his/her costume (or not). Ronan again...
Zoe as a ladybug.
Selena loves to be sung to!
Recognize that strawberry? (It's Abigail!)
Raya and mama.
Sarah, the soccer player. (Is that right? I'm not great with sports.)
And here's Simon! I didn't see a whole lot of Simon today. I believe he's our youngest classmate, and he still does a great job in school.
There's Sawyer, the lion. His mom says he's got a great roar.
This isn't a great shot, but it's worth noting because you can see Naomi's whole costume. (And I like how the moms are laughing in the background.)
Liam sitting in the middle.
Stella sitting on Teacher Linda's lap. She doesn't look thrilled.

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Meghan and Derrick and little...?
Meghan and Derrick have been waiting a LONG time for this preview of their pregnancy session. Rain and light and busy schedules made us wait three weeks between their first session at home and this morning when I finally got that backyard shot I had been hoping for. I had a wonderful time getting to know this adorable couple (didn't we chat for an hour before your first session?)in their home, at Greenlake, and finally in their backyard. Thanks for your patience, guys! I hope you'll think your sneak peak was worth the wait.
I love this black and white patterned top of Meghan's. But how cute is Derrick here?
I'm addicted to hands lately.
Meghan's eyes look amazing here. And that sweet, knowing smile -- isn't that face the epitomy of a pregnant glow?

Two and a half weeks later we met at Greenlake for some pictures at sunset. I love how Derrick's arm comes down and how Meghan's fingers wrap around his.

We took several shots like this -- kissing, looking into each other's eyes -- but I like this one with Meghan's spontaneous laugh.

One of my favorites...
Gorgeous smile!

And finally from this morning, back at Meghan and Derrick's home. I love this tree. I had to come back for this shot because it was raining on the first day. I'm so glad that we got it!
Another favorite!

And a bonus few shots at the front door.

Welcome, welcome, welcome, little one!

Meghan and Derrick, thanks so much for your patience and your willingness to humor my attachment to your tree. There are a LOT more images where these came from. Enjoy!
I love this black and white patterned top of Meghan's. But how cute is Derrick here?

Meghan and Derrick, thanks so much for your patience and your willingness to humor my attachment to your tree. There are a LOT more images where these came from. Enjoy!
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